Though the smoke and political climate can cast a heavy blanket on our joy and optimism, we can rest assure that God is looking out for his own. I know many of you can attest to God's grace and goodness in your lives. These times are no exception. As long as we refuse to surrender to fear and worry, and walk in courage and faith, he will deliver our troubled hearts and minds and restore them to a state of calm and peace.
Since we posted that we received the keys to our building three days ago, we have had an outpour of support and love from our community. That single post has reached over 14K people and our page likes on Facebook have nearly doubled.
The generosity and kindness take me back to the period right after we lost our home in the Carr Fire. God provided a rental that could house all of our farm animals and pets and family and friends filled our home almost instantaneously with furnishings and brand new items from our Amazon wish list. I always share that we survived that tragedy because our community provided us with buoyancy of love and care.
This new business effort is no different. We have had complete strangers contact us to help set up technology systems. Friends have provided office furniture and even a copy machine! Parents have come by and offered to fill construction needs, move furniture, clean, paint, and fire up their weed eater to clear up the outside premises-all in the blistering heat. We haven't had an air conditioner as of yet but it's for a good cause. The owner of the property ordered us three new coolers but is waiting for parts. We pray they arrive this week.
We admit that we have been scared and have lost sleep over leaving our secure and comfortable jobs for a path into the unknown. As any great story goes in alignment with the hero's journey, the main character has to leave the known for the unknown to grow and transform. Included in that journey are obstacles and challenges that we will have to overcome. The community we are building at Roots assures me that we will be victorious.
It is no concidence that we have come in contact with beautiful families, faithful friends and supporters, and even complete strangers who are excited about our journey and want to be a part of it.
We rest in His goodness and are lost in His love.